Kubera Pooja and Homam Importance:

Eradicate obstacles in life to achieve Financial success Kuber puja and yantra is normally performed to achieve the purpose of gaining immense wealth and Prosperity .

Those persons who are getting trouble in business and in venture or are facing sever financial problems may perform Kubera pooja and homam to receive the blessings and grace of Lord Kuber.

The Kuber Puja is one of the most ancient, pure and powerful Puja performed at an auspicious time while conducting fully energised with utmost skill and sincerity to invoke riches and dispelling any curse or obstacles

Benefits of Kubera Puja

According to Vedic , kubera homam is a powerful one which helps to live a healthy, wealthy and prosperous life.

  • For wealth and prosperity.
  • Quick recovery of dues from others.
  • Protects and increases bank balance
  • Another advantage is that it gives ways for reducing sorrows and mental disturbances to a larger extent.
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Benefits of kubera homam

  • The Kubera pooja has special methods and rituals to be followed along with its process and certain mantras to be chanted.
  • ubera puja can be performed on full moon days and on the new moon day in month. October to November months are most auspicious to carry out this kuber puja.
  • It is performed to overcome diseases.
  • This puja is carried out in regard to wealth and prosperity. Kubera pooja done for individuals to give a boost to gain wealth.
  • It is performed for success in works/projects without any problems.
  • It is performed for education, marriage, health and wealth.
  • It is performed to attain prosperity in various aspects of life.
  • It is also done at the beginning of other Homas
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