We do Advanced astrology chart - Birth Chart Report Predicting Life Ups & Down - Job Change - Marital Problem - Business Fluctuation
OUR MONOPOLY : We provide precise timing of important life events & fluctuations arrival / departure ,while offering time-tested solutions and practical remedies to remove any blocks that might arise.
CONTACT US : vedicbirth@gmail.com or call at 91-7568594047 (India)
Advanced astrology chart analysis is a package that includes following : Your detailed life Prediction + Road map Consultancy + Clarity Suggestion. Having your full birth chart report & horoscope chart interpreted is part of your life journey of recognising your full potential.
Advanced Astrology Chart Interpretation reveals the major trends of your life . Get A Road Map for your life journey.Is the road coming up going to be bumpy or smooth? Or, when will the present bad conditions end?How can I do better in Relationships? Emotional Life Turns? When will my Finances improve?Will Business Partnership succeed?Thus you get complete overview of Horoscope & trend that you can expect in detailed birth chart report
Suffering job problems,
Impending Layoffs,
Fears that you are going to lose your job,
Want job change but not sure?
Relationship in crisis?
Complications & suppression in relationship?
Delayed marriages or frequent quarrels in couples?
Know how to deal issues & its solution
We are all curious about our future; whether and when our personal situation will change. Most of the time our lives remain the same; but occasionally there’s a big shift. Using the techniques of blending Cycles calculations & Vedic Astrology (in advanced astrology chart interpretation) we can identify a number of unique horoscope chart factors that predict major change in a person’s life. These events can be further classified as being either Desirable or Undesirable.Which way it goes depends on the characteristics of whichever astrological factors are involved.
OUR OWN PREDICTIVE FORMULA : We have designed a predictive formula that reveals the timeline of when karmas indicated in the advanced birth report will be activated. Per the rules of Vedic Astrology, there are certain houses of the chart that are strongly associated with life changes during specify cosmic cycles. During the time periods when one or more of these parts of the chart are “turned on” by an associated planet , we know a major shift is coming ……. This is the main reason we are have monopoly in casting professional advanced astrology birth chart report..
OUR CYCLES PREDICTION SYSTEM : People often think they are running out of time but everything happens in cycles.We go through personal cycles when the planets in the sky activate the planets in your birth chart. They act as a push, an opening, a release valve, etc.Sometimes you can’t rush things even though others tells you otherwise. Sure you can do whatever you want as you absolutely have free will and it’s up to you to use your skills to create the life you want but deep inside you may not be ready for something until a certain age because that door just hasn’t opened yet…….. So when is THE TIME when the right door opens because it gives you an opportunity to appreciate the larger magic of life......So what are you waitting ,order advanced astrology chart & its indepth interpretation now.