Understand Transition Phase in relationship,job,work,business,association
When well-ordered existence seems to crack open and system no longer seem to work as it once did. This may occur slowly over time or with an unexpected suddenness.When we begin to lose control and system seems to fall apart, we are at the entrance way to a life
transition, a pregnant time that is filled with unseen and well-disguised possibilities .If this opportunity is taken up and fully lived and experienced our lives can expand and be reborn into a larger life. But if we refuse or deny this opportunity, are overcome
by fear, or simply don’t know how to move through it, then we may refuse the forward movement of transition ........ That is the juncture point.
All transitions begin with endings that in them the past essence is a dying off and separation from certain parts of our life & identity that no longer work for us. This may include relationships, lifestyles, work, meanings, values, desires, mental attitudes, or business result. Endings must precede new beginnings but yet many people immobilized by an fear, will refuse this call, recoil from this adventure and grasp onto the old ways, returning to the stagnation and decay of what was - losing personal power, creativity .
When we reach point of transition cycle ......
Advice & Report to Help you create radical shifts