Navagraha Homam and Ritual

Navagraha Homam Importance: Remove all obstacles of life and to attain longevity,health and happiness

Navagraha Homam is performed to remove all obstacles of life and to attain ‘longevity, health and happiness). Navagraha Homam is prescribed in Anciant Vedic Text for atonement of Navagraha .

Navgraha homam is an extremely beneficial homam. It is very useful as this Homam strengthens benefic planets and pacifies malefic planets. This Homa increases the positive influence of benefic planets and also neutralizes the negative effect of malefic planets. Navagraha homa is basically a combined homa for all nine planets.

Navgraha homa is recommended for all as it always gives a very positive energy or influence to everyone by activating their wheels of fortunes. The person who is suffering from Misfortunes, Getting obstacles lacking Success – this homa is ideal for them.

Bad times are the effects of malefic Planets and their position in our Horoscope chart. The Good Planets can not give you good favourable results if they are affected by malefic planets or their position in natal chart .Navagrah Homa. can be performing to remove and reduce malefic effects.

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Mantra for Navagraha Homa

Exclusive powerful mantra as per performing Navagraha homam is :/p>

  • Namah Suryaaya Somaaya Mangalaaya Bhudhaaya-Cha Guru Shukra Saneebhyas-Cha Rahave Ketave Namah

Benefits of Navagraha homam

  • Relief from sufferings and hitches in life.
  • Favourable situations in all your problem
  • It is performed to overcome diseases.
  • It is performed for achieving planned objectives without hindrance.
  • Depressions out from the life
  • It is performed for Couple who wish for a happy life
  • It is performed to attain prosperity in various aspects of life.
  • It is also done at the beginning of other Homas
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