Know point of awareness ... a period of mental clarity

Time when senses, perception, sight and thoughts become more clear

The awareness cycle helps us seek higher values, experience growth in key character,personality traits,re evaluation point in personal / professional area.The phase in which you drop your stories, past conditioning, and limiting beliefs ,you leave behind those situations,people and things that no longer are compatible with your new level of awareness and resonance and step through a new dimensional doorway whereby a portion of the past magically fades away.That is why we experience the loss of friends and/or family members, and why you are changing jobs or beginning a new career or new actioon in business.

Enlightenment means being fully conscious, aware. Ordinarily we are not conscious and not aware. We are doing things either out of habit or out of biological instincts

When we reach point of awareness cycle ......

  • Your reactions change.
  • Your mind changes and works differently from the way it worked before
  • You are in a new and higher state of awareness.
  • You no longer perceive in the same way you did before.
  • You certainly feel totally different inside, and in fact, you are totally different. There is a state of deep stillness, clarity
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enlignment,awareness,spiritual,eye opening


  • Know your Cosmic cycle & point of awareness
  • Timing of Major shifts in perception,system, behavior
  • Unfolding from unconsciousness into a state of higher consciousness.
  • Timing of alignment with nature so that progress start.
  • Period of opening of third eye & seeing reality
  • Leaving behind situations that no longer compatible with new level of awareness
  • Awareness cycle in with respect to Career,Job,Relation


    • When you get more clarity of your purpose?When You fix your focus on the greater power of energy and intention?
    • When Your true, authentic self starts to emerge.This authentic self is what walks you towards your higher purpose. And your higher purpose is to share your authentic self with the world.
    • When you find your alignment with your true self, ideas begin to fill your mind drastically.When you attract abundance through your ideas and creations. Inspiration takes place. When you will begin to see your destiny more clearly as things start to unfold?
    • When your life starts to transform?
    • You start to be in alignment with nature as you work alongside the progress.
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